Sunday 31 August 2008

Just having a quick browse now and it seems.....

.... Like the people doing the scams think they're clever!

Now instead of using the link in my previous blog, they are also using:

And most probably some other domains which would confuse the person looking!

Clever... Very.... Clever.......... not


Juan S. said...

Thanks to your blog I realised it was a scam. After emailing someone offering a bargain, I've got a reply containing exactly the same wording you have cited.
Thanks a lot!!

Tr1dent said...

Thank you, i have PLENTY more all collecting dust in my ScamBox on my email from this week but unfortunatly, since i work every hour god sends me, i don't have time during the week to send out a detailed break down of each email! But i promise i will be posting every single one of them up this weekend including any emails and phone numbers they use.
